Friday 20 May 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016 Review (Quicksilver is still AWESOME in this X-Men movie!)

"There is a video link of Quicksilver Awesome scene in below. Stay tuned! "

How was X-Men: Apocalypse to me? *Spoiler Alert*

To be honest, the story-line is nothing special and predictable. Something like the most evil and powerful villain arise from somewhere. Then, he want to conquer the world and he find his gang. Then fighting with people in good side. Then when they almost lose, some power unleashed and win the battle. The world become peaceful again. End. (OMG I can summarise this in less than 1 minute)

However, after previous X-Men movie trilogy, all the characters have been introduced in younger self. The time set in 1983, after previous movie X-Men: Days of the Future Past.  In this movie, we will see how Scott a.k.a Cyclops got his power, Storm and Jean lose themselves and unable to control their power. Oops, I just remember, this series also explains how Professor X bold his hair (of course, he didn't do 100 push-ups, 100 sits-ups, run 10km like Saitama do). I really don't wish to spoil your guys. (or maybe I already did)

If you are fans of Superheroes movies, you will definitely like this X-Men: Apocalypse. After the X-Men trilogy and Days of the Future Past, this is an undeniable a masterpiece. The villain is so powerful like God, who possess many mutant powers and can just kill people with a finger tip. Throughout the whole 140 minutes of the movie, the pace was really fast and tension. The battle was so intense with full of actions in very large scale. As one of the ability of the main villain (En Sabah Nur/God) is to enhance the power of other mutants to terrified catastrophic level.  In term of emotion, we can see how Magneto suffering from the lose of his beloved family.

The most funniest part is indeed the part of Quicksilver played by Evan Peters. He really impressed all the audience in that special moment of him and the music played was Sweet Dreams (are made of this) by Eurythmics. I literally watched it again just because of him. Anyway if you wish to watch his moment again but you don't wish to spend a penny to watch in cinema again, you can view in here.

If you wish to view in better quality, you can view it here.:-

X-Men: Apocalypse(2016) Quicksilver Show-off time

It is better than the previous one, X-Men Days of the future past! Based on what he did, actually his speed is faster than Flash from DC and Quicksilver from Avenger (Die in the last moment... LOL). Here is some funny comments from the internet.

Movie Review: X-Men: Apocalypse
Director: Bryan Singer
Alistair’s Rating: 7.0/10

To end here, I wish to emphasize again. QUICKSILVER IS SO AWESOME!!!!!

Thanks for reading my blog. :-) 

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